Handsfree Group UK is pleased to be celebrating #NationalInclusionWeek2021, taking place from the 27th of September until the 3rd of October, designed to celebrate inclusion in all its forms. This important week has been celebrated for 9 consecutive years, and we want to use this year’s theme #UnitedForInclusion to collectively celebrate, inspire and share inclusion at Handsfree Group UK.

Our UK HR Director, Claire Andrew, discusses what inclusion means to her and the company:

“Inclusion comes to life for me at Handsfree Group as we are surrounded by a diverse and talented workforce, and an atmosphere where everyone’s contribution is valued. At Handsfree Group, we have a rich array of differing cultural and professional backgrounds that work together in an ever changing and innovative environment, whilst collectively contributing advantageously to the wider prospective of our business. Furthermore, greater cultural awareness has inspired stronger trust, more open communication, and informed decision making – all of which promote activity that supports ever greater inclusion.”

Throughout the week, we have been encouraging conversation, and discussing what inclusion means to our employees. We have also been celebrating #UnitedForInclusion through the distribution of posters, emails and sharing resources.

We look forward to continuing to encourage a collaborative working environment.

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