Here at Handsfree Group, we are driven towards providing you with innovative vehicle technology, software, and UK wide installation services. We have become increasingly conscious of the impact that our collective business has on our physical and social environment. Therefore, as of 2021, we have been continuously improving our sustainability efforts to provide you with a service that grows a little greener each day.

Where it all began.

Formed in September 2021, our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Committee began to evaluate our environmental impact and create a plan of action.

Firstly, we communicated internally with our employees to discover their thoughts on how we could make a greater positive contribution towards sustainability. The overwhelming response was to focus our efforts on ‘recycling and waste management’. 

Since then, the committee has been meeting regularly. Accredited to our employees’ dedication and ambition, to date we have:

  • Written and committed to an ESG policy
  • Implemented WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) disposal
  • Implemented waste recycling
  • Introduced an electric company car policy and signed off on our first electric vehicles.
  • The Handsfree Group Warehouse has eliminated their use of bubble wrap and introduced in its place a sustainable alternative of recycled paper and recycled paper tape.

Our first sustainability certification.

The key to improvement is education. Our team has attended multiple ‘Journey to Net Zero’ workshops provided by the Business Growth Hub.

  • Climate Change, the Global Response and You
  • Gaining Insight with Carbon Foot Printing
  • Improving Performance through Resource Efficiency and Transport Opportunities
  • Developing an Engaged and Supportive Workforce
  • Understanding your Impacts and Writing a Winning Environmental Policy
  • Managing Risk in your Supply Chain
  • Executing your Strategy  

In turn, we have gained our first sustainability certification, acknowledging our completion of the course. Thank you to Andy Birch, Claire Andrew, Chris Jones, Lorna Gilbert, Mark Ellerington, Paul Howard, and Tony Casson for their participation.

Driving towards our sustainable future.

The knowledge gained from these workshops will now be utilized to formulate our next steps. We hope that you continue to follow us on our drive towards sustainability.

Handsfree Group's sustainability logo with a leaf and the slogan - Driven Towards Sustainability.
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