Fleets across the UK continue to be caught out by The Road Traffic Act 1988, which requires drivers and operators to ensure that they are not exceeding the maximum permissible weight limit of their vehicle.
Handsfree Group have recently seen an increase in the purchase of Axle Overload Protection Systems as fleet operators combat the dangers of overloading. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1999 places a ‘duty of care’ onto operators to have safety measures and risk assessments in place to ensure a vehicle is not overloaded – which would put the safety of an employee at risk.
Along with risks to the safety of your fleet, you may be prosecuted. Depending on the circumstances and seriousness of the offence, you may receive a fine (starting at £100), penalty points, or a discretionary ban.
What are the dangers of overloading a vehicle?
- An overloaded vehicle is less stable, harder to steer, and will need a longer braking distance. These factors may inhibit your driver’s control, giving them less time to react in the event of an accident, thus putting the safety of your driver and other road users at risk.
- The additional weight can cause damage to the tyres, suspension, and brakes leading to a dramatic increase in maintenance costs and vehicle downtime. Increased fuel consumption will also inflate your costs.
- Your insurance will become void. Overloading a vehicle is illegal, therefore your insurance will become invalidated if you are involved in an accident, resulting in substantial costs.
- Your fleets efficiency will decrease due to roadside checks. Vehicles that appear to be overloaded will be stopped and checked. If your vehicle is above the limit, it will not be permitted to continue its journey until some of the load is removed, disrupting your vehicle’s schedule.
- Disregarding the safety of other road users can have a detrimental impact on your company’s reputation. This in turn can damage the valuable relationships you have built with customers, suppliers, partners, and the general public.
The solution: Onboard Weighing Systems
Handsfree Group offer two solutions for axle overload protection: TruckWeigh and VanWeigh.

The TruckWeigh® 1155 System is a versatile display, designed to suit a variety of HGVs with mechanical and/or air spring suspension (from 7.5 tonne to 50 tonne GVW). The solution combines the use of patented axle transducers and air pressure transducers to obtain the loading condition of each axle or axle group. The device is simple to install and offers cost effective overload monitoring for new and existing vehicles.

The VanWeigh Axle Overload Monitoring System is specifically designed for two-axled vehicles, with standard coil or leaf spring suspension. Each axle is monitored with a patented solid-state sensor which examines the load applied to each axle. The information gathered is then displayed to the driver via the twin channel digital indicator. An audible alarm will also sound if the total vehicle or axle weight maximum is infringed.
Here at Handsfree Group we supply and install the latest vehicle technology, ensuring your fleet of safety and compliance. With nationwide mobile coverage, our team of FCS1362 and FITAS accredited installation engineers come directly to you.
Want to find out more? Call our team today on 0161 864 6440.